Orange Peels Benefits

Orange Peels Benefits   Orange is good for our skin and hair, and it is full of ingredients that will help to boost our complexion! Eating one orange a day or drinking a delicious tangy glass of fresh squeezed orange juice may aid weight loss, boost our immune system, and produce healthier skin. Oranges are…


COLLAGEN Collagen is best known for its anti-ageing properties. But it has some other benefits that help improve our health as well. It is the most abundant protein in the body. Collagen is available in muscles, skin, blood, bones, cartilage and ligaments. So, you may want to consider squeezing in an extra serving of this…

Antioxidants: BERRIES Benefits!

Antioxidants:  BERRIES Benefits!   Blackberries, Blueberries, Black Raspberries, Red Raspberries, Strawberries, Cranberries greatly benefit our health and beauty. Scientists have found that berries have some of the highest antioxidant levels of any fresh fruits. Fresh berries are some of the most powerful and delicious disease-fighting foods available. Some of their properties include: Anthocyanins Colour pigments…

Foods that will help you build muscle

FOODS THAT WILL HELP YOU BUILD MUSCLE   1. WHOLE EGGS.  Protein builds muscle and eggs contain 6 to 8 grams per piece. 2. CHICKEN BREAST.  100 grs. chicken breast = 30 grs. protein.  3. WATER.  Hydration is very important in building muscle.  Muscle tissue is about 75% water.  Hydration will help build strength, increase…

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits   Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful Prebiotic that brings many benefits to our health, beauty and daily life. Here are some of those benefits: 1. Apple Cider Vinegar is very well-known for its properties to aid in losing weight. It decreases appetite. “Apple Cider Vinegar could lead to metabolic changes…


OLIVES AND OLIVE OIL: A PAIR YOU CANNOT MISS!   Step 14 was about how some fats help us burn bad fat. Well, here is one of them: OLIVES and their oil! We don’t have to say they are delicious, we all know that already, but now we are going to review some of their…


GHEE In general terms, we could say Ghee is clarified butter taken one step beyond. Ghee is a term used in South Asian and Indian cuisine. It comes from the Sanskrit, and it means “sprinkled”. Ghee is also used in medicine and traditional religious rituals in many parts of South East Asia and the Indian…


CHOCOLATE!!! GOOD OR BAD?   Chocolate is one of those sweet treats most people love! According to a study made by Hershey’s, chocolate is “loved” by every single person. How can this be? It is practically impossible to make such an affirmation. Well, this is the thing: They discover that even though some people say…

Coffee or Green Tea?!

Coffe or Green Tea?!   Which one is better? Should I go for Green Tea instead of coffee? Actually, they are both very healthy because they both have: Caffeine! Which the magical substance it is!  Therefore, coffee and green tea have quite similar benefits. These are some of those benefits: 1. Green tea helps to…

Coffee: Delicious and Actually Healthy!!!

Coffee: Delicious and Actually Healthy!!!   There are very different opinions about coffee. Some health experts and doctors consider it to be harmful to our health, but on the other hand, some consider it to be extremely beneficial. However, science has proven that coffee drinkers have a much lower risk of acquiring several serious diseases….